My Commentary About

God, Life, and Politics


The Bible tells us that we live in a broken world. Man’s fall with Adam has resulted in a world where sin and corruption prevail. In this blog page I have numerous writings and teaching videos about how to find God in this lost and broken world.

Ohh That Smell  — A Discussion about the degradation of our culture, especially within our young people.

The manuscript below “Puppets of the Principalities and Powers”, is a project that I have been working on for the past 3-1/2 years. It is an exploration of how the Satanic Principalities and Powers mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 are influencing what has and is happening in our world. In it I explore how Satan attained dominion over the earth in Genesis and how in today’s world how he influences and controls our world leaders around the world.

Puppets of the Principalities and Powers


In the above manuscript I often referred to a Biblical Christian Worldview. In Chapter 6, I did a deep dive into what a true Biblical Christian Worldview consists of. The following six videos are from a series of Sunday School classes I taught at our church in which we explored a true Biblical Christian Worldview.

An In-depth Study Into the Biblical Christian Worldview – Session 1 — John Freeman


An In-depth Study Into the Biblical Christian Worldview – Session 2 — John Freeman


An In-depth Study Into the Biblical Christian Worldview – Session 3 — John Freeman


An In-depth Study Into the Biblical Christian Worldview – Session 4 — John Freeman


An In-depth Study Into the Biblical Christian Worldview – Session 5 — John Freeman


An In-depth Study Into the Biblical Christian Worldview – Session 6 — John Freeman


During the summer months I attend a “Brown Bag Lunch Bible Study” here in my home town. We were honored to have Dr. Douglas Groothuis, PH.D, from Denver Seminary as our speaker on three occasions this summer. He allowed me to video his talks. Dr, Groothuis is the author of “Christian Apologetics, A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith”, which is one of the best defenses of a Biblical Christian Worldview ever published.

Identity and Gender — What Should a Christian Think about Gender Ideology — Douglas Groothuis, PH.D, Denver Seminary


The Evaporation of Education into Cyberspace — Douglas Groothuis, PH.D, Denver Seminary


The Amazing Claims of Jesus — Douglas Groothuis, PH.D, Denver Seminary


The Case for Revelation (Psalm 19:1-14) — Gino Geraci, Pastor Grace Bible Church of Longmont


Yashua You’ll Know — Worship Video


Contact Info:

Feel free to contact me for more information and any questions you may have.

Contact John Freeman