Puppets of the Principalities and Powers

The Cosmic Drama Behind the World of Politics — aka “The Great Reset”

© 2020, John Freeman

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Chapter One

The Unseen Cosmic Drama

To start out I want to state that I do not believe that God or Jesus is a Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Communist or any other of the philosophies that are behind the various governments that have or are now in control around this world. God’s ideal form of government went away with the fall of Adam. Every form of government man has come up with since the fall is flawed and corrupt. Furthermore, I believe that governments will continue to get more flawed and corrupt until Christ returns. Only after Christ establishes His kingdom here on earth will we see a government that follows His perfect morals and principals lead by Christ Himself.

I am a Christian and this manuscript is written from a Christian Biblical World View. I believe that the God of the Bible created this world and that He always has been, is and always will be sovereign and is ultimately in control. I believe that He created man in His image for His pleasure and fellowship. A great mystery is that He created man with a free will to either accept His authority or reject it.

The other mystery is the existence of Satan and his horde of demons that seems to have existed in his fallen state before the creation of man. The Bible tells us that Satan was one of the angels God created and that in fact he was one of head angels. Pride entered his heart and he rebelled and fell leading upwards of a third of the angels to follow him. Thus, we can catch a glimpse of a great Cosmic Drama that has been going on since before the beginning of the creation of the earth and cosmos.

Scripture only gives us a tiny window of visibility into that cosmic realm. We are told that Satan is the enemy of God and he goes around seeking to tempt mankind and destroy what God has created. We humans are targets of Satan’s hatred towards God. Many theologians have speculated and hypothesized why God allows evil in His creation. It would be absolutely presumptuous of me to attempt to explain Satan’s existence. I can only accept the fact that he does and that God in His infinite wisdom has His reasons for allowing Satan to exist.

In this Post Modern world we live in, Satan isn’t feared. In fact, many Post Modernists scoff and laugh at the idea of his existence. Rarely, in our Post Modern liberal churches is he mentioned.

“Don’t think of Satan as a harmless cartoon character with a red suit and a pitchfork. He is very clever and powerful, and his unchanging purpose is to defeat God’s plans at every turn – including His plans for your life.” – Billy Graham

One of Satan’s most effective lies is that he doesn’t exist. He has managed to convince the majority of the secular Post Modern world that he is just a cartoon character as Billy Graham states. The secular Post Modern world is utterly blind to the Cosmic Drama that is being carried on in the unseen spiritual world. Sadly, many modern Christians are also unaware or at least unconcerned that they are attacked daily by Satan and his minions. Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Just who are these “rulers of the darkness of this age” and the “spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”?  Obviously, from scripture we can deduce that they are Satan and his minions. In the next chapter we will explore the fact that Satan has dominion over our world and how he attained that dominion. In subsequent chapters we will discover how Jesus is in the process of reclaiming His rightful dominion over the Earth.

As Christian believers, we believe that Christ paid for our sins on the cross. As He hung on the cross He declared “It is finished”. Yet Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that we wrestle against Satan, described as Principalities and Powers, long after Jesus declared “It is finished”. Not until in Revelation do we see Satan and his minions removed from this earth and cast in the abyss where he cannot tempt and destroy. Thus, in the meantime, mankind is faced with an adversary that still has some dominion here on earth. Just how much dominion does Satan have? I like the how R. C. Sproul describes Satan’s power in his book “Unseen Realities Heaven, Hell, Angles and Demons”. He states:

In church history, there have been two serious distortions about the person and work of Satan. The first common distortion is to minimize his reality, or to deny that he exists, and to fail to take him seriously as a real spiritual adversary. The second distortion is to attribute to him greater power and significance than he actually enjoys. So often the church has been influenced by dualistic perspectives that see the forces of good and evil, light and darkness, as equal and opposite powers, vying for supremacy. But the biblical view knows nothing of such dualism, because the contest between God and Satan is no contest at all. Satan is a creature, a created being. He is always and everywhere under the sovereign power and authority of the Creator. He is in no way equal to God Himself. As a creature, he possesses none of the incommunicable attributes of God. – R. C. Sproul

Therefore, we can conclude that in the end, God wins and as Christians we are on the winning side. At the same time we must recognize that in today’s world, we as Christians are in an extreme minority. The rest of the world of unbelievers are lost and are hapless pawns of the adversary. The Bible makes it extremely clear that as human beings we are either “for God” or “against God”. There is no gray area in between. We need to recognize that the vast majority of the leaders in power in the various governments around the world are unbelievers and therefore in the “against God” category. All the Marxist and Communist countries teach atheism and deny the very existence of any God. With no belief in a higher power or Godly moral compass they are unknowing puppets of Satan’s influence. Likewise, while the socialist countries don’t outright make belief in God illegal, for the most part he is not considered relevant and the people and leaders of Socialist nations are unbelievers and thus still have no Godly moral compass.

This manuscript is directed and written to my fellow Christian believers. Sadly, even within the Christian church, there are many that have been deceived into following Socialistic political views. I believe that many Christians that don’t have a very strong walk with the Lord have bought into the lies from the Socialist and Marxist teachers. As I read my Bible, I see no parallel of Christ’s teaching to the ideals of the Socialist or Marxist. I would contend that the teaching of Carl Marx and his Marxist and Socialist followers are the product of Satan’s influence. Carl Marx was one of Satan’s favorite puppets. The people alive today that promote Marxist ideas are Satan’s current day puppets.

It is my goal with this manuscript to help Christians see behind the curtain of the Cosmic Drama playing out, totally unknown, by the unbelieving people of the world and largely unrecognized or ignored within the Christian community. My intention is to bring to your attention the fact that we are part of a Cosmic Drama playing out in the heavenly realms and here on earth. By being more aware of Satan’s agenda to attack and destroy God’s creation, the Christian community will hopefully be better prepared to cope with the degradation of society. By being better informed of the war that rages in the cosmic realm, we will avoid becoming discouraged or depressed as we observe the continuing spiraling down of the condition of society. Furthermore, once we are aware of the truth about the Cosmic Drama we are better equipped to come alongside and encourage our fellow believers that are caught in Satan’s grip. Additionally, we are also better equipped to assist unbelievers to recognize God and come to a saving knowledge and relationship with our Savior Jesus.

What political party is in power, which candidate wins the vote will ultimately have no affect on the outcome of the Cosmic Drama. The good news is, in the end, God wins! In my lifetime, I am age 70, and since I became a Christian 45 years ago, I have watched a discouraging degradation of the morals exhibited by people around the world. As I watch the daily news I am convinced that we are getting close to the time of Christ’s return. The daily barrage of increasing evil reported on the nightly news convinces me that Satan knows his time is short and is ramping up his attacks on mankind. I certainly expect that things will continue to get worse. I am hopeful that the information contained in this manuscript will be a help to my fellow Christians to get through the months and years to come until Christ returns.

The Secular/Post Modern Humanistic worldview, driven by ideas of Darwin’s Evolutionistic views, believes man will continue to evolve to a higher better moral state. Hinduism and Buddhism hold similar views that mankind will eventually reach Nirvana, where mankind is one with the Cosmos.

The Biblical Christian worldview describes man spiraling down to an ever increasing state of evil lead by satanic powers. Only the return of Christ will stop the decline. After Christ’s return He will establish His kingdom on earth and God will again establish His Throne here on earth in eternal fellowship with man.

Come with me now as we take a look behind the curtain at the Cosmic Drama playing out unseen to us between God’s kingdom and Satan’s evil realm.

Goto Chapter 2