Puppets of the Principalities and Powers

The Cosmic Drama Behind the World of Politics — aka “The Great Reset”

© 2020, John Freeman

Back to Chapter 3

Chapter Four

How the Principalities and Powers Influence the Rulers of the Nation(s)”

“It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” – George Washington

In the months that I have been reading and researching material for this manuscript, along with lengthy discussions with fellow devout Christians, one common universal truth always comes out. That is that “God is sovereign and holds absolute control over the entire universe”.  This is a statement that I whole heatedly agree with.

On the other hand, I have come to the conclusion that ramifications of the “Free Will” granted us when God created man is grossly underestimated and utterly misunderstood, along with the incredible dangers that lurk within that freedom, by the majority of Christ followers. As I expressed in chapter two, “I wonder if Adam recognized the responsibility and ramifications that free will placed on his shoulders as he took the bite from the forbidden fruit?” He held in his hands the destiny of all of his decedents. The suffering that countless generations have and will suffer as the result of that one act is unfathomable. Romans 8:22 tells us the whole earth groans under the consequences of Adam’s transgression.

While God was, is and always will be sovereign, the free will He granted mankind has ramifications that I feel few Christians ever fully comprehend. We live in a world which the free will of man, especially those that sit in the seats of power of governments has huge consequences over the people they rule over.

A common question that echoes around the world, especially in the secular population is “How can a loving God allow evil in His world?”  The answer revolves around the concept of “Free Will”.  With our finite minds it is impossible to comprehend the dynamics of a Holy God directing and determining the His will on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!   34For who has known the mind of the LORD?    Or who has become His counselor? 35Or who has first given to Him And it shall be repaid to him? 36 For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.  Romans 11:33-36

Ultimately we all will be held accountable for our actions. The Scriptures say that we must choose God or be eternally separated from Him.

Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Romans 3:19

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will? 20 But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why have you made me like this? 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?  Romans 9:19-21

When we exercise our free will and reject God we are effectively opening the door to Satan and his horrid to come into our lives and make us slaves to him. At its root core when we exercise our free will we are either submitting to God the Creator of the Universe or to Satan, the enemy of God that is going about seeking whom he can destroy. When we choose to reject God we become puppets of the principalities and powers.

When are we called to submit to the government authorities?

In Romans 13 Paul instructs us to be subject to the governing authorities:

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. Romans 13:1-3

To be 100% honest, that statement by Paul has always been a hard pill to swallow for me. When we see regimes like Kim Jong-un of North Korea and Bashar Hafez al-Assad of Syria along with the rest I listed in Chapter 3, I cannot help but wonder if Paul’s instruction would apply to such evil governments. Kim Jung-un is most certainly a terror to anyone in North Korea that doesn’t literally bow down and worship him as a god.

When we recognize that the majority of governments around the world are lead by unbelieving godless people I think it will lead any thinking Christian to question Paul’s instruction “to be subject to the governing authorities”. In the opening tagline of this chapter I quoted George Washington who said, “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” One could speculate that George Washington had Romans 8:7-8 in mind.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8:7-8

As we recognize that our world leaders, for the most part, are unbelieving, “carnal minded” people that are at enmity against God, we begin to understand that they have no conscience to be subject to the law of God. Furthermore, Paul tells us the unbeliever is incapable of following the law or pleasing God. Jesus made it very clear that we are either “for Him” or “against Him”.

Without God, these spiritually blind leaders easily succumb to the devil’s schemes. Unable to discern truth, they declare evil good and good evil. The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, preventing them from seeing the light of the gospel, the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. In their blinded condition they unaware-ably become puppets of Satan and his principalities and powers.

As we observe the various leaders and governments of the world it is apparent that the stronger and more powerful a leader is the deeper is the spiritual darkness is surrounding that leader and their government. These are the Dark Black Clouds described in the vision I described in Chapter 3. The dark clouds are hordes of Satan’s minions that hover over these government leaders.

These demonic forces inflict influence over the spiritually blind leaders causing them to come up with evil ideas, laws and regulations. The proverbial saying ‘power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely’ conveys what happens when our government leaders submit to the demonic forces. The more a leader submits to the demonic forces the more power the demonic influence has over the leaders and the citizens of a country. As these demonic forces gain more influence the citizens begin to submit to them also. A spiritually blind leader will be corrupt. That same spiritually blind leader backed by a spiritually blind citizenry will corrupt absolutely.  Unfortunately, the spiritual blindness extends into the Christian churches too.

The following is a sad example of how the spiritually blind (dead) church was deceived by demonic forces in Hitler’s pre-WWII Germany. As Hitler gained power, the demonic forces backing him influenced the spiritually blind citizens of Germany to follow him. Thus was born the Third Reich Nazi regime.

Under Hitler’s rule, the Nazis instituted a policy of “coordination” – the alignment of individuals and institutions with Nazi goals. The culture, economy and laws all came under Nazi control. There was an attempt to “coordinate” the German churches and, although not entirely successful, won support of the majority of Catholic and Protestant clergymen. Many of these German churches bought into the deception of the racist belief that the white German people were genetically racially superior resulting in Aryan White Supremacy. It was this idea of genetically racially superiority that lead to the execution of millions of Jews by the Third Reich. This same idea also extended to non-Jewish people with another half a million Jehovah Witnesses, Roma Gypsies, homosexuals, courageous resisters, disabled and handicapped people, priests and pastors and those with interracial marriages. Children of interracial marriages were sterilized.

A few like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian known for his opposition to National Socialism, saw through the deception of the Nazi regime. Before and during WWII Bonhoeffer was a defender of the Jewish people. This support of the Jewish people would eventually lead to his arrest and on April, 9, 1945, he was hanged along with his brother Klaus Bonhoeffer, for resistance activities, as were his brothers-in-law Hans von Dohnanyi and Rüdiger Schleicher. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend Eric Metaxes’ book titled “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy”. Bonhoeffer’s legacy is an example of instances where resisting the government is justifiable.

In Chapter 2, I listed a group of evil leaders in power today around the world. If one looks back into history we find dozens of notoriously evil leaders. To list a few:

  1. Adolf Hitler — Hands down, Adolf Hitler was one of the most notorious, evil, and destructive leaders in human history responsible for the deaths of 11 million people.
  2. Joseph Stalin — Twenty million people died under his brutal and tyrannical rule.
  3. Emperor Hirohito – The 124th emperor of Japan during whose reign some of the worst war crime atrocities in human history occurred.
  4. Mao Zedong – He lead the takeover of China to communist rule. It was his “Great Leap Forward” campaign which led to an intense famine from 1959 to 1961, resulting in the deaths of 40 million people.
  5. Pol Pot – Leader if the Khmer Rouge Communist government in Cambodia. During his reign, an estimated two million people died of starvation, execution, or disease during 1975 to 1979.
  6. Vladimir Lenin — The first leader and revolutionary of Soviet Russia, overthrowing the monarchy and turning Russia into a totalitarian state.
  7. King Leopold II — of Belgium. But, he also had another name: The Butcher of Congo. Though he never set foot in the Congo, he had 10 million Congolese people massacred.
  8. Genghes Khan – China. Around 40 million people died during Khan’s rule and he was always proud of it.

When one asks and answers the question “How do such evil people get into power”, I believe that the only answer is through the influence of evil principalities and powers. These evil powers are present in these countries and regions because the people have rejected God and He turns His back allowing the evil darkness in.

Some such as Genghes Khan and Pol Pot, under demonic influence harden their hearts and consciences to drive them to murder millions, filling the people with utter terror. This terror is further driven by demonic oppression onto the people as they see their fellow citizens raped, tortured and killed.

To revisit the question I presented earlier, are we as Christians always compelled to submit to and obey the government authorities? I would argue not if they order us to go against God’s principals. Like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, there comes times when we must stand up for Godly principals even if it means sacrificing our careers, livelihood and in some cases our very lives.

Hitler rose to power through what I would term as “charmed speech”. Coming on the scene just after the end of World War One, he knew just how to speak to the German people that were ripe with resentment at the loss of the war, the severity of the peace terms and economic woes. He knew just how to speak to the German people’s discontent. How did he know how to speak? I would contend that demonic forces were influencing his mind. Likewise, those listening to his speeches were equally attacked by other demonic forces causing them to accept and agree with Hitler’s clever lies.

As I have observed the rise of ultra left, socialist and Marxist progressive movement here in the USA over past 25 years, it never ceases to amaze me how these people always seem to be able to come up with the most sugar coated lies. Equally amazing is how many people believe the sugar coated lies. No matter how good of counter argument a conservative makes, these leftist seem to always have a clever put down to the conservative’s opinion.

As I listened to the 2020 election ads and debates it left little doubt in my mind that these left leaning candidates were virtually being manipulated by demonic forces. For every common sense proposal a conservative made, the leftist would come up with a cleverly twisted lie. If they couldn’t come up with a good lie then they reverted to name calling depicting the conservative as a bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, sexist and racist, terms to describe anyone who disagrees with them politically. Their tactic is “You are winning this argument, so I’m just gonna call you a racist-sexist-bigot-homophobe to devalue your opinion”.

The news media is equally influenced by demonic forces. Long gone are the days when the news caster reported actual facts truthfully and accurately. Nowadays the so called news is nothing more than cleverly disguised lies and half-truths, editorializing every news story. Cleverly edited video sound bites used to tell only half the story are used across the news media by both the left and right leaning news outlets. Most present day news sources are little more than mouth pieces for the principalities and powers.

It never ceases to amaze me how the left manages to twist the truth to turn it into a lie. Social media has turned to so called fact checkers to supposedly reveal the truth. These fact checkers are so deceived by the satanic forces that they would not recognize the truth if it hit them between the eyes. They have listened to the lies of the devil for so long that they are incapable of recognizing truth. Post Modernism worships the idea that there is no real truth. Truth is simply whatever idea feeds their selfish ego at the moment.

Post Modernism utterly rejects the idea that the Bible, God’s word represents absolute truth. Sadly, many of our liberal so called “Christian” progressive emergent churches have adopted post-modern ideas and as a result reject the Bible as the “one and only source of absolute truth”. In the post-modern church Jesus is viewed as just one of many ways to heaven. God cannot bless a church that rejects His truth and His gift of atoning grace through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus. As God turns his back to these “make believe Christians” it opens the door for Satan’s darkness to invade what used to be a church. Thus, these “make believe Christians” accept the same lies and deceptions the rest of the unbelieving world are susceptible to.  This is how we end up with transsexual pastors leading churches and gay presidential candidates that claim to be Christian.

15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:15-20

Then we have the Roman Catholic Church which I believe is the church of the Laodiceans of Revelations.

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.  So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” Revelation 3:14-21

Jesus makes it obvious that the Laodecean church is a dead church. Likewise, the Roman Catholic Church is a dead church. It centuries ago abandoned its first love for Jesus and instead turned its worship to Mary and so called saints of the church. I was raised Catholic and as a child I was taught that obedience to the churches sacraments and ordinances was my ticket to heaven. Jesus was acknowledged as the Son of God but we were to pray to Mary because only through Mary would Jesus hear our prayers, carried to Him by Mary. We were taught that as laymen, we were unable to understand the Bible and we needed to depend on the priest to interpret the Bible for us. We were also taught that the Roman Catholic Church was the one true church and only through the church could we have any hope of ever seeing heaven. Anyone that left the church and became a Protestant would be doomed to hell.

10 Pronounce them guilty, O God!
Let them fall by their own counsels;
Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions,
For they have rebelled against You. Psalm 5:10

While I believe that there is a ruminant of true believers in Christ within the Catholic Church the vast majority have blindly followed the teachings of the church whose leaders are puppets of the principalities and powers. This includes the Pope who recently declared gay marriage to be acceptable.

Since his inauguration the press has repeatedly described Joe Biden as a “devout Catholic”. Judging by his support of abortion, gay marriage, LGBT “rights” his fruit shows that the only thing he is devout about is catering to the evil forces of the principalities and powers. Using Matthew 7:15-20 quoted above, Joe Biden’s fruit has been rotten for most of the decades he has served in our government.

Many that hold to a Biblical World View that lean towards the right politically have questioned the election of Joe Biden. Many are angry believing the election was stolen. Others whom prayed fervently for the defeat of Joe Biden are asking God why? I believe that it is the judgment of God on our nation.

The vast majority of the citizens of this nation have rejected and turned from God’s teaching resulting in His turning His back on us because of the collective sins of the nation. As I have commented numerous times earlier in this manuscript, when God turns His back, darkness rushes in and the principalities and powers are given free rein to deceive the people. When the people voted, they exercised their free will and blinded by the principalities and powers voted in rulers that God will use to execute His judgment on the nation.

Who will He start with in His judgment? I believe He will start with the church. He will start by separating the wheat from the chaff. This will result in a rift splitting out the true believers from the make believers. Those that are found to not stand on Godly Biblical Principals will be separated out so that the true believers can stand out as salt and light to an unbelieving world. I pray that you and I are found among the wheat and aren’t the chaff that is thrown out.

In the next chapter we are going to explore how we need to live to be salt and light to the unbelieving world.

Goto Chapter 5