For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12



© 2020, John Freeman


My readers may ask, “What is your intended goal in writing this manuscript?” It is to help my fellow Christian believers to gain an increased awareness of who our enemy is and what we are facing in the years to come. In his book “Tipping Point – The End is Here”, Pastor Jimmy Evans makes a very profound statement:

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, forest, or somewhere else off the grid, you have recognized the moral changes taking place in our nation. We are experiencing a dramatic falling away from traditional values and biblical morality. This current state of affairs should not be a surprise to you. What may be news to you, though, is that the Bible prophesies about this contemporary situation and tells us that it is one of the major signs of the end times. — Jimmy Evans. Tipping Point: The End is Here.

In this book Pastor Evans presents compelling evidence that we very well may be approaching the return of Jesus to claim His own and furthermore, initiate the final days of judgment on the world.

The world events such as Covid-19, the expansion of socialism/communism, the activities of the WEF’s (World Economic Forum) Great Reset and the overall moral decay of mankind are all signs that the world we have known is destined for great upheaval. As I have observed over the past 20 some years we have witnessed a significant up tick of immorality throughout the world. I believe this is being driven by Satan and his demonic forces, as he amplifies his efforts to destroy God’s creation, well aware that his end is nearing with Christ’s return. My goal is to help raise the awareness of my fellow Christians as to how our enemy is using governments, media, cultural change and even the church to deceive God’s people and the entire population of the world. If I can help just one person to recognize that they are on the wrong path and turn to God I will have achieved my goal.


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